Saturday, April 7, 2012

Applying to a school

Even though I have already made my grad school decision, it was not an easy one, and there were many steps involved in reaching the point where I was ready to make a decision. 
After I received my GRE scores, I started applying to schools. There are many parts to an application, and the following is a list of the items I was required to submit.
1.       Application
2.       Transcripts
3.       GRE scores
4.       Letters of recommendation
5.       Personal statement
6.       Resume
7.       Writing samples
8.       Portfolio
I’ll discuss all of these requirements at a later time, but I want to focus on the application itself for this post. Some of these requirements will be different depending on the program and school you are applying to. If you had ETS send in your GRE scores or other required test scores to the school you are applying to, that part of the application process is already done.
The applications were fairly basic and easy to complete, and all three of the applications I submitted were online. They typically focused on personal information, such as contact information, test scores and educational background.
A couple of the applications I filled out asked for the contact information of the professors I wanted to write recommendations for me. Make sure you ask your professors first before you sign them up to write letters for you. It is useful to talk to them about what program you are applying to and what you want to do with a master’s degree. I had a teacher ask if I would rather be a teaching assistant, graduate assistant or research assistant because one application had her rank in order of what job I would be best at. Communicating your goals to your professors will help them give you the best recommendation possible.
Keep in mind that most applications have fees associated with them. The three schools I applied to had fees ranging from $30-$60. There will also be more fees required later on when you submit your transcripts.
It is important to complete these applications and submit them at least one month before the application deadline. Once these are submitted, you can begin sending in the other required materials. By applying a month in advance of the deadline, this allows enough time for your professors to recommend you, and it gives you time to focus on perfecting everything else that will help you be accepted to the program you are interested in.

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