Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ohio State pros and cons

Even though I already decided to attend Ohio State University in the fall, I still want to go over the factors that affected my grad school decision.

Ohio State Pros

1. The communication master's program at Ohio State is a highly ranked program, and it focuses on communication instead of strictly journalism. Within the program, I can focus my studies on interpersonal communication, health communication, political communication or media uses and effects. Right now, I'm most interested in the media uses and effects concentration.

2.  As part of my assistantship at Ohio State, I will have the opportunity to teach and research. I'm extremely excited that I will get to assist with both of these tasks during my time at Ohio State. I'm not sure which job I will enjoy more, so I am glad I will get the opportunity to experience both.

3.  Ohio State not only offered me free tuition, but the school also offered me the largest stipend out of the three schools I applied to.

4.  Even though Ohio State is the third largest school in the country in terms of population, there will only be about 25 master's students in the program. Also, the largest class I will teach will have about 25 students in it. I am glad I will be able to get to know the students in my program, and I will receive individual attention as well because the program is relatively small. I am relieved that I will not be overwhelmed by having to teach a class with hundreds of students.

5.  Ohio State has wonderful research facilities. Rooms are available to communication students where they can record human partcipants playing video games, watching TV or talking online. They also have machines that can record a person's nonverbal communication. Their facilities will be more than adequate for any type of research I choose to conduct.

I am very excited about my decision to attend
The Ohio State University's Communication master's program.

There are so many more aspects that I am looking forward to at Ohio State, such as living in Columbus, the beautiful campus, and working with the faculty. I am so excited about my decision to attend The Ohio State University that I can't think of any cons.

I was almost certain I wanted to go to Ohio State once I was accepted and visited, so I didn't ask the other schools a lot of questions. For example, I never found out the actual amount of my stipend from Ohio University, but if I had been interested enough, I would have talked  to someone about it.

If you aren't sure of which offer to accept as you are making a grad school decision, don't be afraid to ask questions. You want to be as informed as possible before you decide to spend the next two years of your life at a school.

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